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The roots of stress: shifting the focus from stress management to stress prevention

1.5-hours interactive workshop

It's easy to blame the environment - "it's my workload, deadlines, my manager, etc., that are to blame for my stress".  But let's accept that one person reacts to the same situation in one way and another in another way, one person may be stressed by a seemingly insignificant event, while another person does not feel stressed even in the most sedentary situations. Why is this so? And how can we get closer to the second group of people who face life calmly and in control of their emotions?

In this workshop we will learn about the reasons that influence our stress response:

1. 1. the upbringing we received from our parents
2. Our strengths that we use (or don't use) at work
3. Distortions in our thinking 

4. Our expectations of ourselves

We will refute the view that stress is just something we have to learn to manage. Instead, we will explore the idea that the real help for stress is to understand and address its root causes, ultimately aiming to remove as much stress from our lives as possible.


By identifying our personal causes of stress, we will gradually see what we should change in our thinking and beliefs so that stress no longer appears so often in our lives.

Working in Office
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