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Workshops for Companies

Many of the world's most successful companies have already integrated psychological support programmes in their business agendas. Why?
1. To increase productivity

75% of employees experience mental health problems which affects their productivity. This consequently impacts business results.

2. To prevent burnout
50% of workers feel at risk of burnout.

3. To attract and retain talent

One of the main reasons why young professionals leave their jobs is stress and lack of motivation.

4. To improve company culture

42% of employees say toxic workplace cultures have affected their mental health.


Workshops are provided in English.

I am a practicing clinical psychologist now, but before that, I spent years building startups and taking a leadership role at Amazon, so I know all too well what it means it is like to be in a high-demanding stressful work environment and I have witnessed a number of colleagues who experienced a burnout.


This led me to take action and create a psycho-educational programme at Amazon, which has made a huge impact.

Now, I'm bringing this knowledge to other companies that understand the direct link between team's well-being and company performance and that care about their most valuable asset – their people!


In these sessions, I don't just throw around fancy theories. We dive deep into practical engaging content so that your team can integrate it RIGHT AWAY.


"The feedback from our team has been overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing gratitude for the practical knowledge gained."




690 Eur



1 960 Eur



2 570 Eur

Do you want a strong and mentally healthy team?
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